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Activities Agreement



(All groups in http://www.westca.com)


In consideration of my being permitted to join the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS and to participate in hikes,camping, parties and all other activities offered by the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS (all of which are now referred to as "the activities"), I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigneds, release and forever discharge and agree to indemnify the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS, its members, officers, hike coordinators, and representatives (all of which are referred to as "the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS") from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses, and demands by reason of any damage, loss, death or injury to my person or property, howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with my participation in the activities notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS.

I recognize and acknowledge that participating in the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS activities involves inherent hazards, risks, and dangers including, but not exclusively, such hazards as: extremes of weather conditions; falls on slippery or steep terrain, including rocks, snow, and ice; wild animals attacks; becoming lost in the mountains and other places and all other risks, hazards and dangers associated with the activities. All of which risks, hazards, and dangers may cause discomfort, damage, injury, loss or death to my person or property.

I recognize and acknowledge that the following events and conditions can cause or contribute to the inherent risks, hazards and dangers of the activities: inappropriate or inadequate equipment or clothing; poor physical fitness or health; failure to exercise good judgment or pay due care and attention, drink and drive. I agree to assume all such risks, hazards and dangers, and further agree to bear all costs of rescue and treatment rendered to me, or for my benefit, arising from the activities.

I also acknowledge that in the parties hosted by our members, WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS and the event hosts do not provide any alcoholic beverage to the members and guests, the people bringing their own alcoholic beverage assume all risks and dangers arising from the alcoholic consumption. Alcoholic beverage bought by one people and latter shared the cost with others, is considered as each individual drinker’s own beverage that is brought to the parties with himself or herself. The individual drinker assumes all liabilities and risk related to the beverage.

I fully understand that alcoholic consumption can lead to unacceptable behaviors, especially drink and drive more likely gets into accidents causing injuries to myself or other people. I acknowledge that I have been fully informed by the club coordinator and other members about the dangers and risks relating to these parties, and I agree to assume all such risks and dangers relating to the beverage and food.

If I take persons under the age of 18 to participate in the activities together, as their parent or their guardian, I hereby for themselves, their executors, their administrators and their assigneds, release and forever discharge and agree to indemnify the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS, its members, officers, hike coordinators, and representatives (all of which are referred to as "the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS") from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses, and demands by reason of any damage, loss, death or injury to them or their property, howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with their participation in the activities notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the WESTCA WEBSITE GROUPS.

I am 18 years of age or older. I have read this indemnity and release of liability, and understand and accept its terms.

The Westca Activities Agreement is effective from _______________________ .

Legal Name: ________________________ Westca Member Name: ________________________

Phone number: _______________________

Emergency contact person: ________________________

Emergency contact phone number: ________________________

Signature: _______________________

1. 请大家在签名时使用Legal Name,即ID证件上所用的名字。否则,使用其它名字签名将被视作欺骗行为,需要自行承担相关法律责任。 2. 另外请大家用比较工整的字体填写自己在加西网站上所使用的会员名称(如果会员名称是中文,就请填写中文,如果会员名称是英文,就请填写英文),这样便于我们统计哪些会员已经填写了此份协议。 3. 参加的会员必须签署协议,并且在集合的时候交给组织者,没有签协议的朋友谢绝参加; 已签署的就不用再签。 4. 活动的帖子游客报名无效,请一律以会员身份报名; 5. 小孩参加活动也必须签署协议,由父母之一签名; 6. 会员带朋友参加活动,请让朋友也注册成为会员并签署协议,如果没有协议,一切问题由会员本身承担; 协议的可下载打印版本:Word 版本 多人签名Word 版本

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