Kirk LaPointe


  2014-11-15 07:29:22
是个npa 的候选人名单
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  1. Caribou 说道: 无题

    2014-11-15 07:30:26

    Besides politics, Kirk LaPointe has led a successful career in journalism. He has worked as a senior editor at the Vancouver Sun, CTV, the National Post and The Canadian Press. He also works as an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. The NPA claims to be a civically focused political organization. According to their party platform, some of the NPA’s goals include:

    Supporting the hiring and fostering of professional, experienced civic management at every level in the City of Vancouver, to run our city with proven best practices and innovative thinking.
    Support the thorough engagement of neighbourhoods and listening sincerely to the opinions of citizens regarding any development or re-development in their neighbourhood.
    Building a vibrant Vancouver economy, by growing business, promoting innovation and embracing entrepreneurship, in order to foster well-paying jobs and economic opportunities for Vancouver residents.
    Develop, and continually enhance, our transportation system and infrastructure to serve all Vancouver residents.
