Gregor Robertson


  2014-11-15 07:32:52
争取市长连任的情况Gregor Roberston is seeking re-election with the Vision Vancouver Party. Robertson is the co-founder of Happy Planet, an organic juice company. In the 2011 municipal election, Robertson won with overwhelming support as all of Vision Vancouver’s city council, park board and school board candidates were elected. Vision Vancouver’s platform revolves around several aspects:

Economic growth by continuing to support thriving sectors in clean technology, digital media, medical research, tourism, creativity and culture.
Finding solutions for affordable housing through creative models such as co-ops, co-housing and laneway homes. Also, to combat homelessness by building new shelters and interim housing.
Ensuring safe, inclusive neighborhoods by investing in childcare, making new buildings age-friendly, standing up for public schools supporting the LGBTQ community and expanding access to community centres.
Supporting creativity and culture around the city by increasing support for community festivals, increasing public ‘fun spaces’ around the city, supporting local artists and growing Vancouver’s creative economy.
Continuing to focus on environmental standards in hopes to make Vancouver the greenest city in the world. Vision has worked to plant more community gardens, build wider sidewalks and separated bike lanes, creating more park space, and develop the greenest building standards in North America.
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  1. Caribou 说道: 无题

    2014-11-15 07:35:22

