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KEY Education: KEY:我到底应该选择SAT还是ACT?

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The ACT is less complex but grants less time per question.


Some students may prefer the SAT while others will prefer the ACT.


One traditional advantage of the SAT has been: taking the highest score on each section, regardless of the test date. Note, however, that admissions officers will not mix and match scores from the old SAT and the new SAT, as the tests are so different.

SAT的传统优势就是 “超级分数(superscoring)”:超级分数是指不论你何时参加的SAT考试,学校会选择最高的单项分数,然而,要注意的是大学招生官将不会认定从旧SAT和新SAT的信匹配分值,因为测试是不一样的。

The old SAT is still valid. Students who have achieved a good enough score on that test could submit those scores for several years. Check with admissions officers for details.

旧SAT仍然有效。获得良好成绩的学生在几年内都可以提交该SAT成绩。欲了解详尽信息请与大学招生部联系 。

Superscoring the ACT is less common but practically irrelevant, resulting in no difference or a one-point gain in 94 percent of cases, according to data from ACT.

超级分数(superscoring)在ACT测试中较为少见。实际上也是不相关的,据ACT测试数据显示, 成绩结果不会有太大不同,也不太会有一次提高94%的可能。

Some students may take and submit both exams, a growing trend in recent years. Some admissions officers say taking both tests provides them more information. But Furda, of U Penn, cautions that taking both exams or taking one exam multiple times can take away from time allocated to high school. “You can't manufacture more hours in a day,” he said. “It's going to come from something else.”

这几年有些学生可能会一并提交这两项不同的测试结果。 有些招生官认同这两项测试的结果能让他们了解到更多学生信息。但宾夕法尼亚大学的Furda指出学生参加这两个测试,或多次参加考试可能导致在高中学业上分散了他们注意力。 “你不能在一天额外制造出更多时间 。”他说。 “这将占用在其他东西上应该花费的时间 。”

Many experts recommend figuring out up front which test to study for and focusing on that exam. Key Admissions can help you select universities. Based on that selection of universities, Your Score Booster, as Key Admission’s partner, can help you set a goal score on both the SAT and ACT exams. Your Score Booster can then provide mock exams on both tests, to help you determine which one to take, helping save you time and money by deciding up front which exam is best for you.

许多专家建议要提前了解清楚需要考哪个测试以及和测试的重点。Key Admissions可以帮助您选择大学。在选择的大学基础上,Your Score Booster作为Key Admission的合作伙伴,也可以帮助您针对SAT和ACT这两个测试设定一个目标。Your Score Booster可以提供SAT和ACT模拟测试,以至于能帮助您确定要考哪个测试,为您节省了时间和金钱。

Richard Dalton, is founder of Your Score Booster, which offers SAT & ACT classes and tutoring worldwide via web conferencing. Richard created the PointsBooster™ Method, a series of tips, tricks and strategies demonstrated to boost scores.

Richard Dalton是Your Score Booster创始人,可通过网络会议提供SAT 和ACT课程以及辅导。Richard独创PointsBooster的方法,针对提高分数为学员提供一系列提示、考试技巧和策略。

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